Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Dear Families of Room 22,

I hope you all had a wonderful break last week. I sure did, but it’s always wonderful to be back with my students…the show must go on!

Here are a couple of quick reminders:

1.     Our class is responsible for Car Line during the weeks of 12/17, and 1/7 . Volunteer time is 25 minutes per time slot. There are still several spots available for those of you who are able to volunteer. This is a very important job that’s essential to keeping our students safe. Thank you to those of you who have already signed-up. Car Line Sign-up: 

2.     The Winter Chorus Concert is scheduled for Tuesday, December 11 from 12:40-1:10 in the multipurpose room. 3rd and 4th grade parents are invited to attend this special event. We hope to see you there!

3.     The Book Fair begins on Monday of next week and runs through Thursday. Daily hours are 8:00-4:00, ending with the Book Fair Café on Thursday, December 6.

4.     With the holiday season in full swing, I have discussed a specific community service activity with my class. It involves collecting sample size toiletries to donate to the Ritter House in San Rafael. They provide a shower for homeless men and women who will benefit from using these supplies. Please look under your sink to see if you have anything hiding from a past trip. We will collect and then bag items into individual give-away bags to donate. Ideally, each bag will include shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, and a toothbrush. Please don’t feel any pressure to go out and purchase items. We will take what we can get and make sure it is put to good use. Thank you!

5.     We had a great class discussion on Monday regarding technology use, specifically in regards to Google Drive. Students were reminded of the following agreement sent home and signed at the beginning of the year. Students were asked to “clean-up” their Google drive of anything that was not school related. The third-grade team appreciates your support in reinforcing this at home.

a.     The MVSD Google account is NOT private. It is a learning tool and teachers can view everything that is happening in Google Drive.
b.    Use of Google Docs is for classroom assignments only – not for personal use.
c.     Documents can only be shared with your teacher, unless a collaborative project is assigned and specific directions are given.

Phew! It’s hard to believe that this weekend marks the first of December. Wow! We’ll be very busy over the next several weeks leading up to Winter Break. Please read below for details and as always, please let me know if you have any questions.


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